Sunday, September 19, 2010

Been A While.... woah

So I'm back in college! We'll start with the good - Exercising quite a bit, staying on top of assignments, and getting things done in advance to save myself
headaches in 12 weeks. Roommates are all clean people, which is awesome. We all get along except for one guy, but the law of averages assures me that is okay.
Making Bread! Like a baker. Honestly I've made 2 loaves already, making another. Had some interesting encounters with the SRA for our building involving the bread, but it's all good. She has a good sense of humor, and we usually end up laughing tons. In other news, I'm eating pasta quite a bit, staying on top of my nutrition.
Sometimes I feel like an outside observer inside the community/culture that is residence. People do things a lot differently then I would in some aspects, so I kinda feel like the scientist in the middle of the jungle observing the apes, and interacting every now and then to make their presence known, but not draw too much attention to themselves haha. I hang out quite a bit, it's just the drinking I restrain from to be honest. Everyone's cool with my diet and stuff, so it all works out. I sat through a horrible movie called Mean Girls, I do believe that is the furthest extent I will go to be 'Social'. It was a very bad movie from my perspective..
Dodgeball every Wednesday, and Baseball starting soon! So far with Dodgeball it's going awesome - first time we had 96, second time we had half that or less. I don't mind either way, less people = more games :D One thing that pisses me off about it, is these wussy's that won't throw the ball... and wait until everyone has a ball on their team, then walk up to the centre and throw...such a pansy way of playing... it's called dodgeball - throw that bastard! If someone throws a ball at you, MOVE. I'm a firm believer in a 3s rule for holding the ball... I don't want all these ball-nannys wasting time and action. Dodgeball is a fast-paced game, and some people play it like chess.
Family was down on the weekend, I got my medicine ball - more abwork :D :D. Anyways, time to go,


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer End Blog

So I haven't blogged in a while, and am in a 'Do Nothing Productive' kind of day haha.

1) Celebrated 2 friends getting married yesterday afternoon - awesome wedding!
2) 2 weeks until I leave for college... about time to finish one step of my education.
3) Working out has been on/off the last couple months, currently ON, lots has happened, and the weather this summer has sucked... Humidity or Thunderstorm, nothing else.
4) Studying more for college, almost done Anatomy which is about where 90% of my time will be directed.
5) Preparing in other ways for college too, getting food and stuff before I go.
6) Finances will be a lot tighter than I anticipated due to some OSAP issues, but oh well, I'll manage.
7) Been about 8 months now that I've been on my diet with about 98% efficiency, really happy about that.
8) Big Bang Theory season 4 starts in September, can't wait!
9) Eating lots more, trying to put on weight... with this humidity I sweat buckets upon buckets, so I need to overcompensate, and then some.
10) Watched Book of Eli a month or month and a half ago, good movie.
11) Time for food now.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

End of May...

Pretty good month I'd say... lets see what's been going on...

Nutrition - Going great, 1 minor setback recently at Swiss Chalet after attending my sister's graduation. Other than that, it's been great.. just finished off pasta /w talapia in it.

Exercise - Awesome! Finished 25k today, bringing the total to 195km on the bike since I got it :D Last week during the heat wave, I went jogging and set a new record for time! It was 27 degrees at night when I started, and I worked hard and beat my time. Biking wise - got all geared up- helmet, biking shorts (tight, weird, but I'll get used to it), biking jersey, gloves, 2 lights for bike, bike lock, water bottle, watter bottle holder, carrying pouch /w tool for changing a flat tire, bandana that can be re-arranged to several useful items, heat endurance formula for adding to water, and the 3rd sprocket so I have full use of 24 gears! I look very different now while biking, but I like it.. I know it's very close to the most efficient I can be while biking.
I broke my push-up record, setting it to 33 the other day, never done 33 pushups in my life! Happy about that for sure, and my machine workout is going great too.
For some reason the other day, I remembered that if you contract your abs during the day, it's good work for them, so I've been doing that quite a bit lately. I got a friend of mine to hit me in the stomach several times and I felt nothing, so I think I'm on the right track. After he hit me a few times, I asked him to hit like he would in a fight, so then he did, and slightly more than nothing, but very far away from actual pain lol. I asked him to punch me as hard as possible, but he said he wasn't mad, and he didn't feel right punching me for no reason... haha. Too bad he wasn't a martial artist, he would get over those feelings real quick!
What else... hmm got a haircut the other day, took me an hour to shave my head.. hadn't done it in a while.
Slightly more than 3 months until I'm back in college! Very excited, and I finished my That 70s Show seasons... all 8.. so now it's to the books!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Start of the week...

So I took a trip to visit some friends of mine in Barrie. Unfortunately neither of them are physically active, so despite my best efforts, working out didn't go quite as planned. I was glad to see them though, they'll both be moving soon, and I've known the family for years. Also, while in Barrie, I visited a No Frills, and found out they are under the Loblaws umbrella of grocery stores, so my Chocolate Soy Beverage will be obtained at lower prices, along with a bunch of other things :D I stayed on track nutrition wise while visiting, so I count that as a minor victory.
Last week I only exercised 3-4 times instead of 6, so this week I really have to make up for it. I'm not going to produce a laundry list of excuses, but most of the things I do require it not to be raining outside (sprinting 100%, biking (I still have to get some reflectors/reflective clothing, lights, helmet etc)). Also, some family stuff happened which interfered with working out also and could not have been avoided. Today I had to get back on track with working out, so I biked 30km after work, setting a new record for time. I have to mention though I did not have my backpack with me, so that would reduce the weight by roughly 5-7lbs, and hinder aerodynamics & speed marginally. I wanted to visit my trainer tonight, but when I got to his place, he was absent, as were all the vehicles, so I'm guessing he'll be back soon. I have a lot to talk to him about. In 12 minutes the 2nd last episode of Big Bang Theory starts, and I'm very excited.
I can't remember if I mentioned this in my latest blogs, but I GOT RE-ACCEPTED INTO FLEMING!!!!!. So now I have accomodation, and acceptance. Yay! Alright, I'm off to watch my only reason for wasting time in front of a T.V.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Great night for a jog.

Tonight was a good night for a jog, first jog since the dental work last Thursday. Went biking last night, and did an updated weight/resistance program on Saturday (It almost doubled my time to complete it!). The major pain in my mouth has taken an extended leave of absence finally, and I'm back full tilt with eating :D The last couple days have been good, there's still some pain in the mornings because the facial muscles, like all muscles, are dormant while I sleep, so they seize up.
Nutritionally I've been making these awesome sandwiches composed of onions, lettuce, havarti, and ham on homemade w.w. Found w.w. pasta on sale again the other day, so I stocked up, and added to my college stash for September. Quick Note: I finally got an e-mail saying I'm accepted back into FHP for Sem 3 in Sept, so YAY! I'm eating lots of pasta, trying to maintain the weight gain I've experienced.. to give an idea of serving - a box of 375g pasta is gone in 2 dinners, usually i need to open another box. Post-workouts sometimes I'll make 3-4 fillets of fish, or eat a tub of yogurt (650g). Both are good sources of protein. Usually with the fish I'll add something to it. The other option is my Dad's stews that we have in the freezer, they're a tub of yogurt in size and are very tasty.
In other news, trainer is gone for this week, gets back on Sunday, so he's given me a laundry list of things to do in his absence, which I am on schedule so far. The main factor in completion will be the weather, I've heard mixed reviews whether or not there will be rain in the later portion of the week :(
Anyways,my pasta is almost done cooking, I try and eat something meal sized every 3 hours or so. I have to wait about 1.5 hours before I do a serious workout (jog, weight routine, cardio routine, biking), so my schedule is almost predefined haha. Cya later

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Droolfest 2010 - And no I didn't visit the playboy mansion.

Got Dental work done today - 2 fillings + Frenectomy. Ectomy may remind you of getting something removed, in this case it was part of the frenic muscles in my mouth.. which means the dentist took a laser and burned them, reducing their efficiency to keep my mouth in a healthy state.
The fillings were alright, but caused my new batch of cereal to be made without almonds.
Right now I am struggling to eat bread, and am going to lay down, with a bottle of Acetominaphen beside me and a glass of water for when all of the freezing wears off.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bike, Forrest, Bike!

This week I biked from Gravenhurst to Bracebridge, 20km, around 40-45 minutes, very content with time. Not being on a bike in 10 years made it even more rewarding for the first bike ride of the season. That night I visited a friend that lives about 5k away, so I biked there and back so the grand total became 30km. The next day (yesterday), I went to my trainers place which is about 12.5km or so, then stayed there for less than 10 minutes, and biked back, beating my time by a minute (There is a large hill on the way out there, and coming back I just sped down it). However, still not recovering from the day prior, and just biking causing additional fatigue on fatigued muscles - I was content.
The weather this week has been pretty fierce, Monday & Tuesday were windy as all hell with snow on/off, wednesday thru friday were hot, and Saturday was a rainfest! So much for biking today, I'm not risking my life in a thunderstorm/lightning show.
I worked out tonight inside, and was happy with progress. (Gave the legs a break, I'll resume running or biking tomorrow if the damn rain quits). If it's still raining tomorrow I'll use the punching bag for an hour, get a good cardio workout - brush up on some striking and what not (not cardio kick-boxing crap... but actual strikes at full power (unless it's jabs) that would do severe damage once thrown) Also, I have to get back working on my abs - they've slipped, and although my stomach still retains rigidity, it could be better. I'm going to really put effort into working at my obliques as I've neglected them for a long time and haven't actively targeted them specifically before - I guess I never really cared. But, I'm determined, and so we'll see in a month how things are shaping up.
Nutritionally, things are good - I've been experimenting with different things on Talapia - black pepper + parmesan cheese, or melted soy cheese on talapia (although tasty, took 15 min. to scrub the pan after I was done eating haha). After workouts or biking I'm devouring a tub of yogurt (650ml), sometimes adding almonds or raisins into the mix. Since being back at work the last few weeks, I've come up with a tasty trail-mix-ish snack to keep me going between meals, as I never know if we're stopping for lunch, or working through it to leave early. The mix is just raw almonds, dried cranberries, and raisins (jumbo thompson). OH! And the good news! FINALLY I found the mysterious Strawberry Fortified Soy Beverage! It resides in Wal-Mart,and for some strange reason, is 50 cents less then the other flavours.. economics would tell me that they sell a substantial amount of it, so they can order more, and larger orders cost less, therefore providing the customer with a reduced price. Anyways, I'm excited for tomorrows cereal to add it to.
Currently I'm very bored, as any blogger is I suppose, but I'm debating to workout on the punching bag after I have dinner, or watch more 70s show... maybe call a friend or two.. not sure. Farewell